Junto: New Group Blog on Early American History

Paul Harvey

Welcome to the world, Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History. With a stellar lineup of younger scholars, this promises to be a prime gathering point for that field. Here's part of the introductory message:

The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American HistoryStaffed by a host of young(ish) academics studying a broad range of topics—our brief bios are found at the end of the post, and more details are found on each individual author’s page—we aim to provide frequent content related to the academic study of America prior(ish) to the Civil War. But more than just serving as a sounding board for our authors and a clearinghouse for various news, events, and calls for papers, we hope that The Junto will become a vibrant community for the field of early American studies.
We consciously define the adjectives “early” and “American” very broadly. Most of us either are or will soon be teaching the first half of the American history survey, which typically runs from colonization through 1860, and we will thus structure our very loose parameters around that time frame. We hope to incorporate numerous methodologies, subfields, disciplines, and topics so as to have as broad a reach as possible. 

Bookmark/favorite/follow the blog now! 


Christopher said…
Thanks, Paul, for the plug. The lineup of bloggers is a really stellar group (myself being the obvious exception). I'll likely crosspost some of what I write here there and vice versa, and there should be regular content on early American religious history there that will be of interest to readers here, including my forthcoming review of Amanda Porterfield's Conceived in Doubt in the coming weeks.
Paul Harvey said…
The blog looks great, Chris, both in content to come and in the style. We'll have our own new "style" here at RiAH early in 2013, so everyone look out for that!

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